September 2023
LPYS 2022-2023 Annual Report
July 2023
LPYS Planning a Re-launch of Youth Diversion Program
June 2023
Students from The Hub learn photography from local artist
May 2023
LifeWays Brings Wilderness Mentorship Program to LPYS
February 2023
9th Annual Unchain My Heart-That's a Wrap!
January 2023
Students of The Hub Featured in Recent Durango Herald Article
December 2022
Tackling Youth Homelessness in Durango
November 2022
Panel Discusses Solutions to Youth Mental Health Crisis
October 2022
Let's Talk About Cyberbullying
September 2022
New Members Bring Youth Voices and New Expertise to the LPYS Board
August 2022
Steps to Help Youth Cope With Back-to-School Anxiety
July 2022
How to Celebrate National Grilling Month
June 2022
Letter from New LPYS Executive Director
May 2022
New LPYS Board President Has Long History with LPYS
March 2022
Former LPYS Executive Director Shares Her Thoughts on the Meaning of Women's History Month
February 2022
Annual Youth Art Exhibition Showcases Talent and Builds Self-Esteem
January 2022
New Video About Restorative Justice at LPYS
This past October, experts from around the state of Colorado including our Executive Director, Dr. Jason St. Mary, gathered in Colorado Springs to hold a panel on Youth Mental Health. Experts weighed in on statistics related to youth mental health issues and ways to solve the current post-pandemic crisis. According to Dr. K. Ron-Li Liaw who is the Mental Health In-Chief doctor at Colorado Children's Hospital, pediatricians in the southwest Colorado region are saying that 4 out of 5 young people are experiencing mental health issues.
The panel, which was hosted by the El Pomar Foundation and moderated by Jordan Chavez, Reporter/Anchor 9News, covered topics relating to suicide, the LGBTQ+ community, and the role that schools and youth organizations can play. The Executive Director, Cassandra Walton, from Pikes Peak Suicide Prevention Partnership, discussed how they implemented Teen Think Tank surveys across the region to understand what youth need and how to help them. What came out of the surveys with teens was that there were not enough trusted adults around to connect with. The teens also mentioned that they felt a lack of connection within their schools, communities, and homes.
Dr. Jason St. Mary of LPYS shared our approach to supporting students "where they are at" which is mainly at school and out in their community. One of the innovative solutions that LPYS has implemented following an intensive strategic planning session was the development of The Hub Therapeutic Program. The Hub is a wrap-around support initiative for youth who are several years behind academically and need to be in a supportive therapeutic environment throughout their day. High School students spend all day at The Hub while they receive counseling, academic instruction, and engage in extracurricular activities. This model works for students who are not successful in a traditional classroom. To support The Hub for the next 3 years, LPYS received a $625,000 grant from the American Rescue Plan Act through the Community Foundation Serving Southwest Colorado.
The panel concluded with a discussion about the need for ongoing, critical funding for these programs and how to better engage the entire community in supporting our next generation.
Watch highlights from the panel.
Watch the entire> panel.
Save the Date to donate to LPYS on Colorado Gives Day so we can continue addressing the mental health needs that youth have.
©2024 La Plata Youth Services